July 8th, 2008
I put this on my myspace for those of you that have one.... if not, then here it is:
So I was at church last Sunday, which was the best service I've ever heard! The pastor asked us if we would die for someone? Then he asked, would you still do that if it were a painful and gruesome death? That got me thinking. You know what, that’s true, and almost completely changes the way you look at it! Like would you be tortured to death for someone else? I was thinking, good point, would I go through what the Jews went through in that war just so someone else could live another day? Then he told this story of a military guy that was going through Vietnam. The other guys that were with him, but behind him, ended up having a grenade thrown in and land in the middle of them all. So, he decided in a split second to jump on the grenade and absorb the full force of the grenade! And I mean, how many people would be able to do that? Without thinking, but to just jump onto the grenade and suck it into their stomach! Now THAT is a TRUE friend!!! Not just one that acts like he is your friend, but actually IS your friend!!! Now, THAT is a noble way to go right there! I don’t care who it is! Or what they’ve done in their life! I mean he could have done the worst thing imaginable to me, but STILL I would feel so horrible for that, that I would live my life like it was his life. And just do things that he would like. So would you do that for anyone? And not just the grenade thing, but also just going thru something HORRIBLE just so that some person could live another day? That made me think about why I'm in the military. Would I really do that for everyone in the US? I thought about that real hard for the last few days, and you know what? I hope I would! I mean even the dirty bums on the side of the road! Would I die so that they would be able to drink another jug of alcohol? And you know what? They may just be doing that, but at least they’re doing SOMETHING! Anything is better than being dead! Well hopefully.... just think about that for a couple days!
July 8, 2008
Posted by The Huddleston family at 1:33 AM 1 comments
June 25, 2008
Hey today we went BOWLING!!! But I had the worst game EVER. I got one strike and one spare.... but the strike that it gave me, I just threw the ball 15 mph! And it just gave me a strike.... I only knocked like 3 pins down...but for some reason it gave me a strike! But I got like a 40 something and a 50 something...Now I have an emotional management class, which is a stupid class! But yesterday I had a presentation class which is where you give a speech and do some research for the speech you're going to be giving. Pretty much it's one of the retarded classes that I have. Next, I had O.T. where we played the wii, which was fun! Then I had "menu planning" which was just a few of us get to make ourselves lunch. We ended up making beef stroganoff, which luckily one of the ladies knew how to make it; otherwise I’d have been screwed. Then today I had P.T. with a guy named Matt and one of the techs named Karen, which was fun. I had to do a bunch of push-ups and sit-ups. I did about 100 push-ups and probably 150 sit-ups! I had to switch in between, like do push-ups then rest till I walked over to the bench where I would do the sit-ups, so I have a little resting in between, but not too much....
Put this video on my blog. It’s the craziest video ever! This guy does a back flip on a wheelchair.
aaron fotheringham
Posted by The Huddleston family at 1:28 AM 1 comments