Comment from Ginny, a TBI survivor

This is a comment that was sent to me-for David- from YouTube, because for some reason it couldn't be posted in the comment section on this site. I tried too and it wouldn't let me. Anyway, I loved the comment and it's great to hear others finding hope through what God has done for David, and to be able to offer prayer and support to those who also have to go through difficult times. So I really wanted to pass it on...

To David,
I have been praying for Mark Lamberth from CA who just had a brain injury from a dirt bike injury and is in Mission Hospital in Orange County when I saw your sister Christa's post telling them about you to give them hope. She urged them to watch your video's where it documents your injury and recovery. I pretty much cried on and off through out the 4 videos.

In September, 2005, I had a TBI at work. I can tell you that I could NEVER compare my injury to yours EVER. I have had 3 surgeries to repair the damage as I ruptured all 4 balance sacs and damaged 2 centers of my brain and a portion of a 3rd. The 2 surgeries weren't that successful but the 3rd one, I was so hopeful which turned out to be a nightmare. 6 days after I had a virus on my brain and they had to put me to sleep to heal. I am told that it is a miracle and I am very lucky because even though I have some great deficits, I didn't have to learn most skills over. So I know I am truly blessed. For about a year everyone walked on egg shells with me. They want to do another surgery but that one was more than I could handle and I lost alot of hearing, so I have dug my feet into the ground and refuse. They are not pushing me but tonight the Dr said that a 4th is probably in my future.

I feel like my vision feels worse. My ears hurt all the time and the SOUND that I have to deal with is getting louder. My patience is very thin these days. Any stressful time doesn't help. The holidays I suppose arent helping. I am tired and I hate my therapies. I have cognitive 3x a week. She's a doll though. If I have to stay in bed, she just does something for me in my room and lets me lay flat in my bed. Honestly, there are days I can't pick my head up and then there are days I think, wow, there's nothing wrong with me. Until I turn and my get dizzy and almost fall.
The cold weather of Jersey I am sure isn't helping because I am noticing that I do so much better in the warmer weather.

They won't let me back at OT, Vision and Vestibular therapy and PT because I had a very bad bout of Mastoiditis - fluid in my mastoid bones because where they cut in the surgeries. I was deaf almost a week - that was clostophobic!!! But they haven't cleared me yet and I feel like I will be unable to go thru it again.

Watching your videos were perfect timing for me. I have no one who cares enough to push me. Most of the time I feel alone because I don't have the family support you do. They watch the kids for me but since I don't look like I have anything wrong - they forget. The scriptures that your family placed in the videos, the music and watching your success has given me hope. I wear a hope ring on my left hand. The hope I thought I never gave up until this week, I realized I have given up. I wish I could just lay down and sleep and not do any more therapies. I'm tired.

I am going to watch your videos and pray that HOPE comes back into me, watching your recovery. Like I said....I've been alone - It's like I needed a kick in the behind. Thanks for the kick in the behind!!

I don't share with many people because I don't want them to look at me differently or think poorly because I know I have come a LONG way. I know. I may not have the video documentation like you do. But I know how far I've come. I just forget that - Hey, we are working on that in cognitive therapy - my memory still is poor but every day I surprise even myself.

Thanks - sorry so long. I would get yelled at that I didn't take breaks!! But I forget that too!!

May the Lord continue to give you strength and I thank HIM for directing me to know you today!!

I think its just the holidays. They are hard. I feel misunderstood most of the time.

God Bless You ,

Ginny New Jersey.