Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

so today was allight... i woke up a little late bc i didnt have an alarm on my phone to wake me up....but i made it to my first therapy on time! and when i was in there i met the coolest person that they have here! her name is carrie and she in the AIR FORCE!!! so thats half the reason why we hit it off pretty well. (shes married.) she has been in the Af for 8 years. her hubby is in the AF also. but ne ways shes pretty cool to talk to and hang out with.
but also i had to wipe down the lil padded beds with disinfectior stuff. but i had to do that with my left hand which was pretty complicated, but i did it! i was kinda suprised that i could do it but i just kept telling myself if i get my left arm working again then there will be no stopping me! lol and im down for ne thing that does that faster. so if you have ne ideas please lemme know.


Anonymous said...

David, you can always come to our house and clean it with you left hand. You could use your right hand too, we are not THAT picky!

Anonymous said...

David, We've got lots of rocks to pick up out of the fields here in South Dakota! Great to hear what's going on with you. We have been faithful readers of your blog and we are so thankful that you have come so far. Friends from SD Eugene and Mary

Anonymous said...

Hey poops! Where's the update? I'm dyin' here! I really liked your last blogs... but you're leaving us all hanging! Anyways! I'll talk to you soon anyways I guess! Of course I'm still praying for you and hope your week is going good so far. Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

Hey David, I hear that knitting is a great way to work out the left hand. We can have a knitting bee. Wouldn't that be fun!
