Saturday and Sunday, January 26th and 27th, 2008

Saturday David worked more on his legs and arm/hand with PT and OT, and since those were his only therapies, we went out in our own car (for the first time) to see some local sights. Our first 'sight' was the Verizon store, where David upgraded his phone. His old phone was shutting off whenever it felt that the conversation was getting good. He walked in with his 'four legged' cane, and I was behind him, just in case. Then we walked into In-N-Out, and ate lunch. When we got to Mervyn's we decided it was time to break out the wheelchair. Do you realize how close the rows are in these stores. Not wheelchair friendly at all. He got a couple pairs of jeans, and we were good to go. It was real fun getting out on our own for the first time.

On Sunday David's only therapy was PT, and Chris stretched and exercised David's legs before he had him walk a lot. He was trying to perfect David's 'gait', and would say things like, "take smaller steps, keep your feet wider, keep your feet wider". It will take a lot of sessions like today, but I know that he will get the walking thing down, and soon will be walking without needing someone to 'spot' him .

After therapy six of us, including Rebecca the rec therapist and David, all went to the movies and saw "The Bucket List". It was nice getting out again, and the movie was good. The fact that Justin and David are both 'patients' and itching to get out of the hospital, like the characters played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman was sort of strange. I would recommend the movie.

Please continue to pray for David's recovery, and for wisdom in deciding where he should go next for his rehab.



Anonymous said...

Mervyn's, huh guys. I guess it could've been Costco! Dorks! I would've loved to be there to make fun of you both, but I guess I'll just do it from here! Miss you guys! Love you! Glad you got out, anyways!