Saturday, December 8, 2007

Today David was able to relax a bit more! He had PT/OT this morning and he was stretched. He'd tell her where it hurt, and she'd stretch it there for a few seconds. Then he put his weight on his left foot and tapped cones that were in front and back. He rode the bike some. Then Mom sat at a table with him and she hid a small cone under one of the 3 large cones and she'd move it around so he could track it and find it. He found it about 50% of the time.

This afternoon David was chillin' in bed, and a bit out of sorts. He started writing letters on a paper, but they'd end up on top of each other. Mom put a ruler on top of the paper to try and keep the writing straight, but David said it was hard because the pen kept hitting the top of the ruler. Anyway, he wrote a note to dad saying: Dear dad, everyone is annoying me. Mom clarified the last 2 words and he said "ANNOYING." Mom suggested a break, and he said, "a break is good." He had also been flipping through the limited amount of channels on his TV. Mom and I asked him if he'd want a portable DVD player so he could watch movies, and he said yes. So this evening we went out to get him one for his birthday. Does anyone know some of his favorite movies? Since I'm asking questions, what cologne did he wear? I know it's a silly question, but we thought it might help him feel more normal.
Tonight I went back and talked with him. He was very thoughtful, thinking about "everything." He talked about how it was hard to remember certain things, and I tried to reassure him that it won't always be this hard, and how some of the medicine he's on can make him feel out of sorts too. He nodded. I asked if he was hopeful, and he nodded again. He said that he was praying, and I was glad. I also told him again how proud we all are of him, how much progress he's made and talked about the blog again. I asked him if he wanted me to read the comments from the blog, and after some time he said "you can read me the comments if you don't have anything else to do." I told him there was nothing I'd rather do, and started reading to him. I loved seeing him close his eyes as I read each of them, and then open his eyes when I paused to see if he was asleep. Nope, he was just visualizing. Eventually though, he did fall asleep to the words of his friends and family and Bible verses that you have been so gracious to find and use to encourage us. I love that he can now get that same encouragement!! So keep on writing folks!! Tonight was precious for me, he looked so peaceful and he said that today was mostly good. God is working such miracles in my brother, and I am hopeful too!
Love you all,


gary h said...

We are all so excited here hearing of David's improvements! Een since we visited a couple of weeks ago! Between GOD, the support from Steve, Patty, Laura, Christa, and David's strength, and all the friends and their prayers, how could he not get better. It's really amazing how fast he is getting better! We are all pulling for you David, praying and checking the blogs, several times a day. Even when we know that it is usually updated in the evening, I check many times a day, just in case. Always thinking of you, proud to have you as a nephew.

Anonymous said...

Hi David! I know your birthday is coming soon so will wish you a very happy birthday just so I am not late. I am amazed at how fast you are getting better and want you to know my day isn't complete until I have read at least one new blog from your family. In fact some of my friends call me if I haven't sent one by this time at night. I hope we never take our wonderful family for granted as others are amazed at the realtionships they see with your mom and dad and sisters and how much they care for you. You are one special young man and we are
all proud to be part of your family. Can't wait to see your beautiful smile in ALL of your pictures! :) Love you more than enough! Grandma Haldin

Ray said...

Hey David. I've been reading on here that you have been reading the comments posted and wanted to leave you a message. We're all thinking of you all the time.
We sent you a christmas/birthday gift and hopefully you get it soon.
I know that you've had some trouble remembering what happened and if you have any questions you want to ask us, please do. We're here for you too.


Anonymous said...

Hi David and all you wonderful Huddleston's, As I sat here reading all the latest posts I felt a since of calm. We are all so proud of you David and all your hard work. God is working in so many different ways with you, your family, and all of your friends. Contiune to fight baby your strength and determination is a testament to everyone. We love you all and contiunue to pray daily. Our love, Lisa Anderson & Family

Anonymous said...

see David...i knew you would start to come around...i wish i was there to see you though...but i will be soon enough!!!