Monday, October 21, 2007

3 p.m.

David looks so much better today. His neck brace was removed this morning and I'm sure he is more comfortable too! He is still (since Sun. afternoon) off the ventilator, with just moist air flowing across his trachea. The left eye is dialated more than the right still, and the right side of his face, by the eye, is a little swollen. However, the CT and MRI don't show any problems with that area. We are beginning to take pictures of David with all his great nurses. Emily and Sharon have been a couple of his fantastic nurses for several different shifts, and continue to be encouraging to us. Sharon had David sit up in a "cardiac chair" today for 2 hours! They are seeing and excited about the dramatic improvements over this last week. PT and OT came in today to patiently move his arms and legs. His heart rate would race while they worked on him, but when Laura told him to "calm down", David would relax. I'm pretty sure he must be hearing us. He isn't tracking us with his eyes yet, but Laura is sure he was looking at her during the therapy. His eyes are open more and for longer periods of time. There is more talk about moving him to a rehab facility in Palo Alto, CA in a week or two. We are so excited to be closer to home! (Even though D.C. is really beautiful right now, with perfect temperatures and the leaves changing!) Also, they are taking David off one more of the sedation medication. He will be more awake and responsive soon!
Laura is leaving this afternoon. She is so patient and kind with her little brother (it hasn't always been this way!) We will miss her "mucho". My dad is coming out tomorrow, and Rose Manning on Wednesday, while Steve takes care of some business.
Praise God for David's health that continues to improve. He is coughing up "better color sputum" which says his pneumonia is getting better. Continue to pray with us for strength to return to David's left side, his eyes to track and be able to see us. It is not like David to be forced to stay in bed, and he is anxious to get up. Pray that he will allow his body to heal and be patient with himself. Thank you for all your prayers, and comments on this blog that continues to encourage us. God is using this terrible accident for such good. We love and miss you all. Patty


Anonymous said...

I'm very excited that David might be moved to palo alto soon. Guess the parents are going to road trip it for thanksgiving and I'll probably tag along and see all you guys. Davids been in my prayers constantly, ttyl!

Anonymous said...

Its so great to hear how much better David is doing - and I agree with Mallory that road trips shall be made if/when David is moved to Palo Alto!