Thursday, October 25, 2007

7:00 am CA time

Mom just called and said the doctors don't know the source of infection still so they are doing a spinal tap. This will help the doctors determine if the infection is in the brain. We were told before that one cause of the fevers could be because the swelling of the brain and that the brain can't control its temperature. We're wondering if they think that the brain itself is infected. They're going to sedate him for the procedure. It will be happening soon, last for 30 min. and they will know the results in a couple hours. PRAY!!!! Pray for every part of this! I want them to know the source of the infection, but I really don't want it to be the brain! More updates will come as I get them! But for now, get on your knees and plead David's case before our Loving God!



Anonymous said...

we are all on our knees as we speak. Calls around the US have been made and we are all going before our GOD and asking for his help in guiding the doctors and showing them what is wrong with our David. We love you guys and are praying for all of you.
Always...Lisa Anderson and family

Anonymous said...

I remember when we tried to help Doug overcome his grief at losing his son, Jay, nothing seemed to help until Bob wheeled himself up to his bed singing' "Jesus loves You", then laid his hand on the bed simply saying, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. (Bob hadn't talked for almost 18 years since his stroke!)A few minutes later, Doug got out of bed and joined the rest of the family in the family room. I have uttered that same prayer ever since David's accident and know Jesus knows the answer for his healing and one day we will have him back again ready to fulfill his destiny. My prayers are with all of you and I know that God is saving our tears of compassion in a jar in heaven. Keep laying hands on David, believing and praying for the victory that is on its way. Love, Mom

Carolyn Carter said...

To Patty: I am am praying for your "baby" to have a complete, miraculous recovery. Prayer is so powerful! I know our God is amazing. He healed my mom when she had brain surgery for 2 aneurysms. I pray the Holy Spirit will give you a supernatural peace that passes understanding--that's what the Lord gave me before my mom had brain surgery. I'm also praying for your family during this very hard time of ups and downs. I can already see a purpose: God is using you to encourage families of other service men and women who are at Walter Reed.
Take care,
Carolyn from Twinhill