Tuesday, October 23, 2007

8:00 pm (California time)

I talked to my mom this evening and she gave me a little update with as much info. as she knew. His fever is down to 100.7 degrees. His body feels really warm she says, but they have a fan blowing on him and cold cloths on his head. He was pretty agitated earlier today and pulled out his feeding tube twice! At the beginning of my conversation with my mom she said David looked so comfy and asleep. By the end of the conversation she was wrestling with David's right arm as he was attempting to pull out his tubes again. She said he's lifting up his right knee pretty high. As you can tell, he changes from one moment to the next! They haven't gotten the results from the blood test and cultures they took today so they don't know the cause of the fever yet. They took him off of the Versed, his sedative, but he's still on Fentanyl, which I think is a pain reliever thingy. They give him boosts of the Fentanyl when he gets agitated. There is still talk today of putting him in the "Step-down" unit instead of ICU, then he will go to the 5th floor (I'm not sure what the significance of this floor means, except that it's not ICU nor the Step-down unit, probably for more stable patients). After this he will eventually make it to Palo Alto. No one knows when this will happen, but it sounds like he will be in ICU for a couple more days.
Continue to pray for his fevers and that the doctors will find the source of the infection. Also pray for God's comfort and peace to rest upon him as he continues to be more and more alert and aware of what is going on around him. The doctors keep saying he will become more agitated, confused and frustrated as they ween him off the sedatives. Thank you for your continued prayers and support around the world.
To God be the glory through this whole ordeal.... Amen?!

Christa and Kelli


Omid said...

Hi, this is Omid, I went to high school with David. Today I was talking to Chris Harmon, and we were both wondering if it would be ok for us to come and visit David when he comes to Palo Alto. If so, let us know when that will be and we'll be there. My prayers are with David.