Monday, November 5th, 2007

11:00 pm EST

Here's a quick update from my evening with David:

He was a fighting monster tonight! Trying to rip everything off of himself! And almost too strong for all of us to manage. I told him again that these tubes and wires were temporary and that they were there to help him heal for a short while. If he continued to fight, then they would have to restrain him. He seemed again to understand and relax some. Shortly afterwards the meds came and helped to knock him out! I have never believed in drugs as much as this month...keep them coming!
Tomorrow I am going to figure out a way for him to communicate. My brilliant Speech Therapist friend from work, Nancy Hoey, suggested to use the movements that he has to answer yes and no to. Move one way for yes, don't move for no! Ha! Great idea! Can't wait to get there and figure this one out. I always wanted to be a (Nancy Drew) detective! My other hero was Helen Keller! She figured out a way to communicate when she couldn't see, hear, or talk! My oh my, what a coincidence !?????? God has been leading me in this direction since I was in 5th grade! I used to walk around the house and pretend that I was blind. Then, during high school, I started studying and working with Severely Handicapped kids and Elementary kids. My Masters in College was about preparing handicapped adults for independent living. Not that David will be handicapped, but God did prepare me for this time of rehabilitation. (Maybe I should have chosen another field to study!)
Palo Alto is going to happen on Wednesday, the nurse told me as I was leaving the hospital tonight. The Air Force liason had just called to tell him that it was a go. We'll be on our way to some challenging rehab finally. Yeah!
Thanks for your prayers and support again! You are awesome, and so is God. David continues to progress again today. The nurses responded positively to David's fighting tonight. They said that it means he is coming out of it more and more. :-) God is good! Keep on praying world, we need some help and some strong Christians who will continue to believe when life gets tough! God didn't say it would be a piece of cake being a Christian, but He sure helps us to walk through these valleys. Love y'all! Patty


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that he is doing so much better and will be transferred. Having him motion "yes" and "no" is a GREAT idea. I know that being able to "hear" from him will do you guys wonders!!!!!

Megan Colenbrander

Jo said...

"My brilliant Speech Therapist friend from work, Nancy Hoey, suggested to use the movements that he has to answer yes and no to. Move one way for yes, don't move for no!"

I have seen this work very well on kids that Lacy lived with at her sub-acute care facility. It was incredible how a child who didn't appear to have any way to communicate was suddenly able to express things. You are still in our daily prayers!

Penny Warren said...

Hey Steve and Patty, I am happy to read that there is good progress and I will be praying for your trip to Palo Alto tomorrow. I just can't imagine what is going on in David's brain, sounds like he gets frustrated, poor kid. I'll pray for the peace of God to cover him constantly. Love you guys, Penny