Saturday, November 24th, 2007


Hi everyone!!! This is Gary Huddleston, David's uncle, Steve's favorite brother. We are up here in Palo Alto with Rose, (my wife) Annette (David's aunt) and Robert Huddleston, (David's Grandfather)visiting David, Steve, Patty, Christa, Laura, and their kids. After reading the earlier blogs, I must admit, that seeing David the first time on Friday, it was a shock. We kept reading of all the miraculous improvements, which they were, but expected a bit more then what we saw. We knew not to expect too much, yet hoped that things were better. It was distressing to see him so helpless. Of course there really was all the little miracles from God. Every improvement was a miracle. But we must realize that David started from practically nothing. All of those "little miracles" have added up, but to us, it is still saddening. Friday's visit was frustrating for us, to say the least, although Steve said that it was a improvement over Thursday. After visiting San Francisco on Saturday, enjoying some excellent clam chowder, we saw David again. It was a much better visit for us. He was more alert, and active. He had his trach capped and was actually TALKING!!! Some of the things he said was "I want my mom", "lean back" "I want to go home", "I can't talk anymore", and a few more that I can't recall. David, and most all of the family, went for a long walk around the hospital building, with a break for David to play a bit of the piano with Laura. He eyed the soda and snack machines longingly, and we made a dash out of there with him in tow. He tried to go online on the computer at the hospital, but unfortunately, the dsl was down. He wanted to check his "myspace" page. He seemed to be frustrated that he couldn't get on. Maybe tomorrow! It was a nice visit today, which filled us up with hope again! We know he has a long way to go, but with GOD'S continuing help, and much patience, and all the love prayers and support from family, and friends, he can be whole again.
I would also like to tell everyone how amazing Steve, Patty, Christa and Laura have been. They are SO supportive, upbeat, positive, and loving of David. They have kept their sense of humor through all of this. I don't know if i can ever be as strong as they are. Of course they worry, and pray. They talk with each other about the days events, David's highs, and lows. They have SO much faith in GOD, and trust him to heal David completely, yet know that he may not be whole, and will love him wholeheartedly anyway. They are the best support team David could ever get.
I am very proud to be a part of this amazing family. We, as you, will continue to check this blog every day for the updates.
Keep up the prayers!!!


Mallory said...

This was an exciting blog daddy, I'm glad you got to guest write it.

Anonymous said...

You are soo right...what an awsome blog!!! you're a great Uncle...hopefully one day i shall meet the infamous Gary Huddleston...I glad you got to see him...i'm sure it ment a lot to David!!! We shall ALL keep praying!

David Huddleston said...

AWWWE Uncle Gary came up to visit me and I didn't even realize it! Now I would like to know who this Annomous person is, but I guess that is what Annomous means right? LOL. Darn it. But I really liked reading my uncle's words again. I could almost hear him talking as I was reading this.